Released as ‘Phoenix’ update,  First look of Bing’s new Webmaster Tools interface and it will remind you of Google Webmaster tools. Now Bing has most of the same features as they are in Google webmaster tools. Let us first take a quick look on what’s similar between these two and after that we will check each new feature in detail..

Whats Common in Both

  1. Messages (Both send messages to webmasters, I just seen $50 ad credit in Bing message center)
  2. Now both have “Configure My Site” with functions of  URL Parameters, Sitemaps and Users. Bing in this section additionally listed Submit URLs and Verify Ownership
  3. Both have Crawl Control and Crawl Rates
  4. Both have Block URLs
  5. Fetch as Bing is same as Fetch as Google Bot
  6. In traffic section, Search Queries is same as Search Keywords with similar up and down positions
  7. Inbound Links same is Links to Your site but Bing as much less data as compared to Google
  8. Bing has come up with “SEO Reports” similar to Optimization section in Google webmaster tools. One of message in this sections shows me  “There are multiple <h1> tags on the page.”

Bing webmaster tools now have additional sections named as “Diagnostics & Tools” which lists following tools

  • Keyword Research – Similar to Google Adwords Keyword Research tool but with less functions. We can see more in future.
  • Link Explorer – Seems great tool but shows very less links and as its in Beta form, we can expect much more in future from this tool or similar to Yahoo Explorer.
  • Fetch as Bingbot – Its same as Fetch as Google Bot
  • Markup Validator – Code validate tool
  • SEO Analyzer – I liked this tool and it also highlights SEO mistakes like multiple h1 tags, description issue or Alt tags etc. May be fixing these can also help in Google ranking.

Overall new Bing webmaster tools is another nice featured enhanced functions from Bing and one more interesting suite of tools for your website to play with.