Google Webmaster Tools Now Offers Detailed Back Link Profile Data

Google today announced, that WMT links section will show more detailed back link data in webmaster tools, a much needed feature for those webmasters who were looking for solution to view broader and diversified linking profile to determine who is linking them, specifically after penguin updates to … Read more about Google Webmaster Tools Now Offers Detailed Back Link Profile Data

Matt Cutts Says to add “No Follow” for Links Within Embedded Widgets

Many webmasters develop useful third party widgets to add or enhance the functionality of websites or provide embedded widget for their informational sites, guides, software’s, applications or utilities for easy integration in side bar or within the contents. We have seen widget being developed for … Read more about Matt Cutts Says to add “No Follow” for Links Within Embedded Widgets

Google Penguin Updates History

In earlier days when ever there is any updates in Google algorithm the name was given at Webbmaster World like Mayday update.  Latter on Google start giving their own name like Panda. On April 24, 2012 Google released a new webspam algorithm and first name given was “webspam algorithm update.” by … Read more about Google Penguin Updates History