Google require domain verification to use various Google services like Webmaster Tools and Google Apps, till now, following options were available:

  • Upload an HTML file to your domain’s web server
  • Add a <meta> tag to your home page
  • Verify using your Google Analytics tracking code
  • Create a TXT record

Now Google have new CNAME Domain verification, by which you can edit your DNS records and verify the domain name to use Google Services.

For this you have to create DNS CNAME record as follows

  • Add the domain to your account in Webmaster Tools
  • Select the Domain Name Provider method of verification
  • Select your domain name provider that manages your DNS records or “Other” if your provider is not on this list.
  • Based on your selection, Follow the instructions to set a CNAME record or see a link to the option Add a CNAME record.
  • Click the Verify button.

 This method of verification automatically verifies all the sub domains or all websites on this domain.

 Domain verification method sometimes can take more time as compared to other methods due to propagation of DNS on internet.