You must have heard of search engine spam or web spam. Recently I read on Google blog “pure spam”. Google has considered it as one type of spam. Sites using the most aggressive spam techniques are classified in this category.  Following are considered as “Pure Webspam” :-

  • Automatically-generated gibberish
  • Clocking
  • Scraping content from other websites
  • Intentionally violation of Google’s Webmaster Guideline


Google is fighting with such pure spam by computer algorithm and manual intervention. If you want to know which site have been found in pure spam and removed from Google Index daily you can see the example here.

Google warning is there Be Careful “We’ve removed some pornographic content and Malware from this demo, but otherwise this is an unfiltered stream of fresh English examples of “pure spam” removals..”

In October 2011 Google changed the classification method and cloaking and sneaky redirect actions were labeled as “Pure spam”. In December 2011 Google start sending notification for Pure spam. In Google index Pure spam is bigger than Unnatural links spam.